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A Bolian's Medical

Posted on Mon May 22, 2023 @ 7:30pm by Lieutenant Commander Ziq Chura & Lieutenant Cuyu Reeza

857 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Season 1 - Prologue
Location: Sickbay

Although Ziq was already a member of the ship and had been for sometime, he felt he needed to get a medical done and out of the way. He was probably over due as he couldn't remember the last time he'd had one.

He walked into Sickbay with a smile on his face. "Is the Doctor in the house?" He asked.

Dr. Cuyu Reeza had been spending time getting the Sickbay set up to her liking. She was particular about a few things, mostly organization, and she had had to move things around. PLUS she was left-handed, and most things had been set up for right handed folks. For Bajorans, like humans, it was luck of the draw for that kind of thing, and she'd gotten it from her father.

"Yes, that's me," the redhead replied. "How can I help you today?" She asked, with a smile.

"Pleasure to meet you, Doctor. I'm Lieutenant Commander Ziq Chura, Chief Engineer. I'd like to get my medical done, please."

She smiled and nodded, leading the way to a nearby Biobed. "Let me just pull up your record," she said, turning to the computer while the Biobed turned on and began its scan of the man's internal workings. "Alright, at first blush, you seem in good health. Anything I need to know that may not be in your file yet?" All Fleet doctors were through but there may have been something that popped up since his last check up that she'd need to note. "Even minor scratches or burns, anything like that?" She inquired.

"I think ive managed to stay unscathed during the last few months." Chura replied with a smile, after following the doctor. "However, I do require more ointment for my...problem."

Reeza simply nodded. "Good. Please tell me about this problem, and I can get you sorted." She said. She had heard MANY things in her time as a medical officer, so not many things shocked her much anymore.

"Oh, I have the Bolian equivalent of eczema around my anus. It's been very itchy over the last few days." Ziq said continuing to smile.

She fought an urge to laugh. Not from any reason other that it was a crazy thing to hear, but she managed to keep her professional face on. "I see. That sounds rather unfortunate. I can arrange something for you. Do you find the ointments work well, or would you rather try a hypospray?" How that might work was anyone's guess but she'd offer it anyway. "I am not sure how it would work, but you could try a few things and see which therapy works best." She said.
Ok, time to retire, because that was the strangest thing she'd said.

"I find the ointment soothing, and it clears up better than with the hypo for some reason. I've had this struggle since I was a small boy, it would be nice if there was a cure for it but alas, I think I'm going too be cursed with an itchy anus for the rest of my days." Ziq replied casually.

Reeza simply nodded. "I will do some reading and see if maybe anyone has developed something better, but in the meantime, if the ointment works best, that's what we'll stick with." She glanced at the computer next to her. "You're looking fine otherwise. I can clear you for duty. Before I go get the ointment, is there anything else you'd like to share or for me to know? Anything you want to ask of ME?" She offered.

"Erm, I don't think so, Doctor. Just my anus ointment will do fine. Thank you for making the medical a painless experience." Ziq smiled.

She just nodded. "Of course. Please excuse me a moment while I collect the ointment and return the Tricorder for cleaning." She stepped away for a moment, and in the supply room, she let out the chuckle she'd been holding. It wasn't the weirdest thing she'd heard but it was pretty close. Pretty close indeed. A bit later, she'd located the proper medications, returned the Tricorder for cleaning, and returned to Ziq's bedside. "It was nice to meet you formally, Commander Chura. Here's your ointment. I trust you know how to use it properly. Will you need me to let the Captain know you were in Medical?" She asked.

"It was nice to meet you too, Doctor." Ziq smiled as he took his ointment. "I'm pretty sure the Captain has more than worry about than me getting my medical and anus ointment, however, I'll leave that to you. If you feel he should know then so be it."

Reeza nodded. "I would simply tell him you were, but if you think he doesn't mind, it's fine. We will see you again, in six months, if not sooner." Please not sooner, she wasn't ready for people to start getting hurt at work or be ambushed on a mission or something.

"Have a good rest of your day," the Bajoran said, with a smile.

Lt. Cuyu Reeza
Chief Medical Officer
USS Columbia

Lt. Cmdr Ziq Chura
Chief Engineer
USS Columbia


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